Why do dogs eat poop?

Why do dogs eat poop?

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop? It’s a question that has baffled dog owners for years – why do some dogs eat poop? While this behavior is not ideal, it’s actually quite common in dogs. In fact, up to one-third of dogs have been observed eating poop at some...

Are Dentastix Bad For Dogs?

Are Dentastix Bad for Dogs? Dentastix are a popular dental chew treat for dogs, but are they really as beneficial for your pet’s dental health as they claim? The answer is no: Dentastix are not only bad for your dog’s dental health, but they can also be dangerous. The...

Raw Feeding Explained

Going Raw? Raw Feeding Explained Raw feeding is regarded by many as the most natural way to feed a dog and over the past few years it has become the fastest growing feeding trend in the UK. Many raw feeders prepare their own diets for their dogs but a number of...